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👉 Trigger: When a Discovery Call task outcome is marked as Needs Follow Up
🥅 Goal: To reschedule the Discovery Call.
🤺 Action: Book another Discovery Call.
A Deal Is moved to this stage when a lead showed up to a call but didn’t have proper info, docs, or people on the call and the deal owner wasn’t able to get them to reschedule the call.
The deal owner will manually add and update tasks using the Follow Up Call
Task Type and add the next date & time to follow up with them.
The next deal that you need to follow up with (as long as there is a task with date/time) will be at the top of the Showed Up Stage so you know who you need to follow up with next.
The deal will remain in this stage until it is rebooked or marked as Lost
The automation will then mark this current deal as lost, and add a brand new deal under the Discovery Call Stage, and starts the sales process over.